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What car equipment for an off-road adventure? 7 essential 4×4 accessories for your journey 


Preparing a car for an expedition involves servicing and adapting it to conditions it will meet during journey. But that’s not all. When you exchange the four walls of a cozy home for four wheels, you need to ensure yourself with at least a similar level of comfort. For that, you’ll need the right car equipment. Learn about 4×4 accessories which provide comfort and safety.

Essential car equipment for a 4×4 journey 

In the first part of our overlanding guide, we discussed what’s important when choosing a car and how it should be prepared for journeys. It’s time to select some accessories. We’ve picked seven essential items that will complement the car equipment . In our opinion, you shouldn’t even begin any longer journey without them. 

Accessories for general safety

We start with the most important priority – your safety. Let’s see the crucial items which are responsible for your safety in many different ways. For example, access to towing equipment or all the electronics, which are essential for getting help. Here’s what, in our opinion, should definitely be on or in your expedition vehicle. 

1. Winch and recovery ramps as a way out of trouble    

In the first part of our overlanding guide, we focused on steps to prevent possible accidents. However, even if following all the tips, you may still get into troubles. That’s when you’ll be grateful for having your vehicle equipped with recovery and towing accessories, such as a winch and recovery ramps (traction boards/sand ladders). They are essential parts of a vehicle designed for off-road driving. 

off-road car equipment car winch

A winch can help pull your car out if it gets stuck in mud. But before you start a rescue mission, learn how to use a winch. If not used right, it can be dangerous. 

Sand ladders can help your vehicle escape from muddy terrain where tires might just slide. They don’t need much space, easy to transport, and can be incredibly helpful in a difficult situations. Therefore, it’s worth always having them on hand, not only for classic off-roading but also for any trips in the field. 

2. Dual battery system 

Relax, an off-road trip doesn’t have to be about survival or bushcraft. Traveling this way, you can enjoy almost home-like conveniences in a moveable setup, including a water system with a heating or full lighting around the car. Plus, you can have a variety of electronic gadgets always ready to capture beautiful views. There are some obvious ones like a smartphone, GoPro cameras, drones, SLRs, and more. Everything you need. 

However, to power all this equipment on the road, you’ll need a bit more energy than during a standard city drive. The last thing you need on the trip is a dead starter battery. We’ve already discussed this more in the first part, in the section on how to check the battery’s condition

A good solution for a long adventure would be to equip yourself with a dual battery system with a voltage separator. In this case, power from the additional energy storage will be distributed to the other devices. Alternatively, you can also consider buying a special mobile power station with solar panels. This way, you create your independent power station that will turn on everything you need to survive and remember the most unforgettable adventure of your life as precisely as possible. 

3. Additional fuel canister 

Hundreds of kilometers, increased load, and additional electronic devices also mean a higher fuel consumption. We don’t need to tell you how important it is to refuel in advance even before you reaching reserve levels. However, there are moments when no petrol stations appear for a long time along the route. Thus, for long trips, it’s also worth investing in an additional fuel canister. Just ensure to check it’s construction before buying. The material used must have a certificate for hazardous materials. 

4. Navigation and CB radio – don’t lose it in your car equipment 

Analog maps are cool for romantics. Of course, we’re not dismissing the idea of having them. However, let’s not ignore the fact that digital navigation offers a much more convenient solution for route planning or determining your location. Yes, you likely have access to it on your phone, because we assume you have a smartphone with a GPS module. Nevertheless, using maps this way is less practical than on a separate dedicated device. 

Firstly, many background apps quickly empty your smartphone’s battery. Especially navigation apps, which constantly update and download data. As you know, we don’t want to waste energy on the road.  Additionally, you may prefer to have quick access to your phone in case of a serious breakdown or accident. Moreover, due to their multitasking nature, smartphones may annoy you with incoming calls while using maps. You can, of course, change the priority settings for different programs, but there’s always a trade-off. 

jeep car travel navigation

If that’s not enough, phone navigation works less efficiently where network connection is limited. It often loses signal and provides less precise location assessments. It’s much safer and more reliable to use separate car navigation, especially if you plan a trip abroad and explore different parts of the world. Getting lost in completely unknown terrain can be quite an extreme experience. 

Similarly, when it comes to communication with the world, it is not recommended to rely only on a mobile phone. A good solution would be to purchase a CB radio. This way, you can keep in touch with others on your route, increasing your chances of receiving help or important information. Remember to install the antenna correctly to avoid losing signal in remote areas.

Accessories for general comfort

Alright, let’s finally leave behind the serious topics and dark scenarios. Move on to the more pleasant aspects of travel, namely your comfort. 

car equipment, roof tent with a ladder on a roadster, sleep in the open air

5. Roof rack – a solid base in the car equipment

Let’s start with luggage. To ensure that its size doesn’t cause any problems, equip your vehicle with an additional roof rack. It will increase the loading area of your car and prevent cramming things in the car. You’ll also be able to comfortably carry all the equipment that wouldn’t fit in the standard trunk. Just remember that this comes with additional load considerations. 

6. Tent and awning – under the cover of day and night 

Since we’re discussing comfort, we can’t forget about sleeping and relaxing. Firstly, you’ll need a tent. There are models designed for the roof racks or in the case of a pick-up truck, for the bed area. These options are definiitely better choices for overlanding than the traditional ground tent models. Choosing roof rack tent will provide you a better view for enjoying the scenery. Additionally, you’ll avoid getting cold from the ground and limit visits from unwelcome wild guests. 

car equipment car with roof tent and awning outdoor camp camping

Moreover, it will effectively protect you from dirt, moisture, mud and unwanted insects. The ease of setup, wherever you want and without worrying about obstacles, is also worth mentioning. Importantly, most roof rack tents feature universal fitment and come with an extra ladder, making it easy to access and exit. 

Let’s move to an awnings. If you choose a freestanding and folding model, it is another great and easy-to-use comfort solution. It can be quickly and efficiently set up, with just one hand. While it might not be the first accessory you think of when planning a trip, we guarantee that you will appreciate its functionality during every cup of coffee enjoyed in the delightful shade or without rain over your head. 

7. Car fridge – like home while on the road 

On your off-road adventure, you don’t have to limit yourself to just bringing dry food and rum in barrels. Of course, you can if you want to. Luckily, thanks to electric power, you can equip your off-road car with a car fridge. And we’re not talking about a box cooled with ice packs, but a model that connects to your vehicle via a USB or cigarette lighter socket. This means you’ll be able to keep raw products fresh for longer and enjoy cold drinks at every mile of the journey. In the range of car fridges, you will find models with a freezing function, capable of reaching temperatures as low as to -26 degrees Celsius. 

TL;DR: Expeditionary car equipment checklist form 

A list of 4×4 accessories for an expedition vehicle that will create car equipment for a comfortable and safe journey: 

  • Car winch with a mounting plate for pulling the car out of situations such as being stuck in mud,sand, ruts and other obstacles. 
  • Recovery tracks for getting out of muddy terrain.
  • Secondary battery system or a mobile power station with solar panels to relieve the starter battery and serve additional electronics and equipment. 
  • Extra fuel tank for refueling during long distances without petrol stations. 
  • Additional independent car navigation. 
  • Roof rack or roof box for carrying extra luggage. 
  • Roof top tent for sleeping comfortably. 
  • Car awning for enjoying coffee in delightful shade. 
  • Car fridge for dining like a king, even in the wildest of places. 
Klaudia Kusy - Content manager

Klaudia Kusy

Author of the article
Jakub Jania - Product manager

Jakub Jania

Technical support

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