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BlogGuidesAmerican Dream or Class Z Nightmare? Importing a Jeep from the USA 
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American Dream or Class Z Nightmare? Importing a Jeep from the USA 


Are you looking for that one perfect off-road car? It’s probably harder than you thought. One option is to import a car from the USA, although that can also be quite a hassle. So, find out how to do it and whether it’s even worth it.

Jeep from the USA – why it’s worth importing a car from the United States 

Money. Let’s not hide the fact that often it is an important factor, if not the most crucial one, in many decisions. And it’s no different in this case. Cars in the USA are definitely cheaper than in Europe, and we’re not talking about a difference of a few thousand (dollars, euro), but even tens of thousands! That’s after adding the costs of taxes, duty, excise tax, and paying the rest of the additional costs, like transport and all fees. The significant price difference makes importing a car worth considering. Especially since that’s not the only reason to do it. 

American versions of Jeeps have richer equipment and a more interesting, distinctive design. For many drivers, it is more important issue than savings. If that’s not enough, often the basic versions of a chosen model in the American variant are equivalents of a higher version released for the European market (for example, with a rearview camera or remote engine start). Additionally, the selection of cars, including classic or vintage ones, is simply wider and more attractive in America. 

What makes American and European versions of Jeeps different 

Jeep will usually have a range of bigger and smaller differences (depending on the model), with the most important including: 

  • Suspension better optimized for off-road conditions. 
  • Desired engine, e.g. V8.
  • Chrome rims. 
  • Different lights. 
  • Wider tires. 
  • Higher fender flares.
  • Spherical mirrors.  
  • Rarely have a diesel engine version.  
  • Usually equipped with an automatic gearbox. 

It’s no secret that the first difference is an extra attraction for all off-road fans. American versions are better prepared for challenging conditions. This is probably due to the landscape and lifestyle in the USA. Some of these differences between American and European Jeeps may require conversion to meet a country’s requirements and standards. This includes items like lights, which may not meet European approval (homologation) in the overseas versions. Mainly, this concerns the color of the indicators (turn signals), the level of the light beam, and the lack of fog lights. It’s not just a preference, but a requirement before registering your new vehicle in your country. 

That’s not all. An American Jeep will probably require modifications of tow hook, electrical outlets, or the JEEP Uconnect multimedia system – taking into account the change of language, location, units of measurement, radio frequency returning, etc. 

The risk associated with importing a car from America 

Importing a Jeep from the USA involves more than just adjusting the car to meet European norms; it also brings potential issues with warranties. Specifically, warranties issued by American dealers are often not recognized in European showrooms. Why? For a simple reason – it is not profitable for them. 

Local dealers often assume that because you bought the car abroad and in a different currency, you have no basis to claim your rights at a different location than the place of purchase. It is a bit easier in the case of purchasing a completely new vehicle directly from the showroom, but even then, there is no 100% certainty. So if you want reliable and trouble-free warranty service, check whether the selected vehicle has a manufacturer’s warranty for the European market. In this case, you can assert your rights in any European country where the manufacturer has authorized branches. However, even if it comes to servicing the car at your own expense, importing it from the USA is still a profitable investment for many people. 

Is it worth buying a car from a showroom in the United States? 

cars from America, how to import a jeep from the USA, buying a car from a showroom in the states

Here, the question arises: is there an option to remotely purchase a brand-new Jeep from a showroom in the USA? The answer is: yes and no. Yes, because theoretically it is possible. No, because it takes a lot of effort and even more patience. So, unless you are a fan of extreme sports and balancing on the edge of the law, buying a new car from the USA may not be worth the trouble. 

First of all, American dealers face a penalty for selling vehicles intended for export. Secondly, American law allows for the import of a car that you have owned for at least half a year. Thirdly, after transferring the car across the ocean, you cannot pass it on to someone else for a year from the date of import. Even in the form of a loan. In addition, in the case of a car from the showroom, the costs of taxes also increase. 

In summary, purchasing a car directly from an American showroom without the aid of a middleman is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. It will likely involve a lengthy process, and fulfilling your American dream in this manner could come with its own set of unexpected complications. 

Jeep from the USA – how to buy a car in America 

A much more common way to purchase a car in the USA, including a Jeep, is through auction portals, such as: copart, iaai czy manheim. This list offers used cars from a verified source. These are all kinds of associated commissions and showrooms where customers have left their cars as part of a settlement or foreclosure. To use the services of these websites, you must first register and create an account. 

auction site for buying a jeep from the USA

Additionally, you can check the detailed history of each car exhibited by the dealer on the Carfax website. It is always worth doing this to make sure the car is ready to use right away. After all, you do not have the opportunity to view the car before purchase, and this is always associated with a certain risk. Therefore, I do not recommend buying a car that has been in an accident or from a private person. But after winning the auction, also remember about: 

  • A document confirming the purchase of the car. 
  • Proper ownership transfer documentation, essential for transporting the vehicle across borders. 
carfax - a portal for checking the technical condition of a vehicle from abroad

If you’re worried about handling all the paperwork correctly, ask for advice from someone experienced in buying cars from the USA, and estimate the final price of the vehicle you’re interested in. Consider hiring a qualified importer who will assist you at every stage of importing a car from America. 

Transport of a car imported from America 

After purchasing the dream Jeep directly from the USA, next step is transporting it to Europe. But how do you do it? Primarily, by sea and with the help of an international transport company specializing in such services. Before selecting the company, ensure it has a license from the Federal Maritime Commission. 

When planning the transport of a newly purchased car in the USA, also consider the distance between the place of purchase and the port. It would be wonderful if you managed to get a car not far from the port city, which would additionally reduce the costs associated with shipping. 

The safest way of transport is definitely a private container rented on a ship sailing to Europe, but at the same time, it is also the most expensive option. However, when you buy a car in the USA, it is highly likely that you are looking for savings, not extravagance. A better option, though requiring a bit more time, will therefore be a shared container. In this case, both during loading and unloading of the shipment, the carrier will prepare a detailed report on the condition of the vehicle. However, no one will watch its contents, so avoid transporting other valuable items inside the car. 

After arriving at the selected port, the container will be unloaded, which usually takes from 2 to 3 days, and customs inspection, which can take up to 10 days in total. Before you proceed with the procedure of paying VAT and duty at the tax office, you will still be required to fill in a customs declaration containing a detailed description of the imported goods. In this case, it will be necessary to show a series of documents. Such as, for example, in the case of private individuals: proof of ownership, export declaration, and statement concerning dangerous goods. 

jeep from usa import by sea

Costs associated with import 


The first extra cost above the offer for the vehicle will be the auction house fee. Typically, it ranges between 300 and 900 USD. If you choose importer’s support, you’ll also need to cover their fee, which will likely amount to a few thousand in your country’s currency 


The price for sea freight when transporting a car from the USA to Europe typically ranges from 1500-2500 USD. It also depends on the vehicle’s dimensions. However, this cost doesn’t include the fee of loading and unloading the cargo. So, the total cost can be up to 5000 USD. Additionally, transporting the car to the port can cost up to 1000 USD (depending on the distance from the location of the chosen port). 

You must also add the cost of transport to the specified address already at the destination. If you do technical tests at the port, e.g., TÜV, then you won’t have to use a tow truck. The problem is the fact that before the inspection, it will probably be necessary to adjust the vehicle parameters to European standards. 

Customs and tax fees 

In addition to the necessary tax payment, which varies by country (for example, in Germany VAT is 19%), it is also mandatory to pay customs duty. The duty rates are uniform across all EU member states: 22% for trucks, 10% for passenger cars and 0% for vintage vehicles. Finally, there is an excise tax, which is determined by the engine’s capacity and type. It’s recommended to engage the services of a certified automotive appraiser, who can estimate the current vehicle’s value and help avoid paying tax based on its market value. 

Formalities after import 

After the Jeep is successfully delivered to you, the only steps remaining are registration and insurance of the vehicle. In this case, follow the standard procedure in your country. However, make sure you have the: 

  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • Customs clearance certificate. 
  • Deed of ownership or certificate of origin.
  • Proof of purchase. 
  • Original registration plates.
  • A document authorizing you to drive on EU. 
  • Certificate of technical inspections. 

Keep in mind that insurance for an imported car might be more expensive than for a car purchased in the usual way, partly due to the lower availability of spare parts. 

Summary of Importing a Car from the USA 

If you’re looking for the best deal on purchasing any model of Jeep, such as the Wrangler, Grand Cherokee, Compass, Commander, Renegade, Wagoneer, etc., you might want to consider importing one from the USA. It won’t be the easiest way to become a Jeep owner, but it could be attractive enough to make the effort worthwhile. To import a Jeep from America, you must: 

  • Buy a car from one of the auction houses sites or from a showroom via a broker. 
  • Take care of the proper documentation in the form of a purchase agreement and deed of ownership. 
  • Organize the transport of the vehicle from the place of purchase to the nearest port in the USA. 
  • Choose and pay for the method of sea transport. 
  • Prepare the necessary documents for customs clearance. 
  • Pay customs and tax fees, including VAT, duty, and excise tax. 
  • Adjust the car to European homologation standards. 
  • Perform technical inspections of the vehicle. 
  • Register the car in the destination country. 
  • Insure the car.  

After going through these steps, nothing else remains but to enjoy driving a Jeep from America. 

Klaudia Kusy - Content manager

Klaudia Kusy

Author of the article
Jakub Jania - Product manager

Jakub Jania

Technical support

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